The Online Museum

Welcome to my online museum of minor league baseballs! These pages are not a complete listing of every permutation of game ball to ever be used. It began, and remains, a catalog of my personal collection, but I hope it can also serve as a useful reference for other collectors.

The museum’s primary focus is professional leagues that operate or operated in the United States, although there are other types of balls here including some used by collegiate leagues and foreign leagues.

Affiliated Leagues (MiLB Leagues)

Regular season baseballs used by active leagues directly affiliated with MLB. Presented by league classification, then league name.

Independent Leagues and MLB Partner Leagues

Regular season baseballs used by fully independent leagues and the four MLB Partner Leagues.

All-Star Games and Special Events

Official game balls that were one-offs, designed and used for just one game such as an All-Star Game, or commemorative balls used during an entire season, such as league anniversaries. Presented by year.


Official balls used in post-season series and championship games.

Defunct Leagues

Regular season baseballs used by professional leagues, both affiliated and independent, that are no more. This section also includes former pro leagues that were transitioned to collegiate leagues. Presented by league type (affiliated or independent).

Odd Balls

Official balls that were produced but never used, or are otherwise unique.

Collegiate Leagues

Balls used by collegiate summer leagues.

Leagues Around The World

Official baseballs from both professional and amateur leagues outside of the United States.