Affiliated Leagues, Regular Season

Here you’ll find baseballs used in regular-season games by active leagues currently affiliated with MLB.

The year 2022 was the end of an era in terms of the official baseballs of the minor leagues. Every affiliated league now uses the same baseball: an “Offiicial Minor League” baseball stamped by the MLB Commissioner.

In 2021, after more than a century, historic league names such as “International League” and “Pacific Coast League” were replaced by “Triple-A East”, “Triple-A West”, and so on. This was to allow MLB time to acquire the rights to the traditional league names following its takeover of MiLB after the Basic Agreement expired in 2020.

As a result, 2021 saw a mix of official game balls. As teams used up their supplies of unique league balls and Pat O’Conner Official MiLB balls, they began using the new MiLB ball. The position of League President was eliminated across the board.

In 2022 the historical league names were restored, although the new alignment (including the reclassification of the Pioneer League from an affiliated league to an independent MLB Partner League; the Appalachian League’s transition to a collegiate summer league; and the elimination of the New York-Penn League) remained in place.

Leagues that became non-professional (e.g., collegiate leagues) are listed in the Defunct Leagues section since, in the context of this site’s focus on professional leagues, they are.


International League (26)

Pacific Coast League (29)


Eastern League (23)

Southern League (19)

Texas League (24)


Midwest League (19)

South Atlantic League (11)

Northwest League (16)


California League (14)

Carolina League (23)

Florida State League (24)


Arizona Complex League – formerly Arizona League (6)

Arizona Fall League (8)

Florida Complex League – formerly Gulf Coast League (11)

MiLB/Player Development League

MiLB (13)

Total:  266